
Timetable for the End of Primary - Year 6 - Benchmark 2012

At Gozo College Nadur Primary, both our School Development Plan as well our EcoSchool Action Plan 2011-12 strongly support and encourage an active, healthier lifestyle for all our children and the whole community.  This year, as part and parcel of the EcoSchools HSBC Climate Change – School-Community Link Project, our Eco School Committee has indulged on a wider number of initiatives targeting the local community at large.  In fact, on Wednesday 21 March 2012, over 100 children and their family members and Nadur residents participated in the second Night Hike of this scholastic year.  At 6.00pm, the whole group of children, teachers and parents walked from Għasri Parish Square to the Marsalforn bay through Gozitan valleys and Qbajjar promenade.  Children were very excited, all pointing their torches and looking up to the different flora and fauna of the Gozitan landscape.  In fact, everyone cherised the stunning views of rural Gozo with its tiny villages and hamlets nestling around its flat-topped hills. On arrival at Marsalforn, all the group had a well-deserved dinner together at a local waterfront restaurnant.

The whole activity was successfully coordinated by the Activity Teachers within the Gozo College and the school management.   Parents and Nadur residents actively participated in the educational event and expressed their full support and satisfaction that their children and themselves are provided such opportunities to sustain a better and healthier lifestyle as part and parcel of the regional focus of Gozo as an ecoisland.  Our appreciation also goes to our school’s EcoSchool Committee who really worked hard to encourage all to participate actively as well as the EcoGozo initiative within the Ministry for Gozo which strongly supports such educational and family-linked initiatives.


Half Yealry Exams 2012

F’Diċembru li għadda, il-Kumitat EkoSkola kellu laqgħa mas-Sindku tan-Nadur dwar ħidmet il-Kumitat matul din is-sena skolastika.  Fost l-oħrajn, il-Kumitat wera x-xewqa li l-Walking bus ssir darbtejn fil-ġimgħa minflok darba waħda.  Din it-talba ġiet accettata grazzi għall-għajnuna dejjem siewja li nsibu mill-Kunsill Lokali Nadur u l-Kunsill Malti għall-Isport.

Il-Kumitat EkoSkola għalhekk jixtieq javża li l-Walking Bus – il-mixja mill-pjazza sal-iskola ser tibda ssir darbtejn fil-ġimgħa.

Il-ġranet huma:  kull nhar ta’ Ħamis u nhar ta’ Ġimgħa (dejjem jekk it-temp ikun jippermetti).

Nibdew nhar il-Ħamis 12 ta’ Jannar 2012 fit-8.10 ta’ filgħodu (wara l-quddiesa tat-tfal).

Intom il-ġenituri lkoll mistiedna tattendu u tieħdu sehem ma’ wliedkom.  Huwa l-aħjar mod għat-tfal li jibdew il-jum skolastiku b’mixja qasira flimkien.


Kumitat EkoSkola Nadur


Please kindly click on the attachment:

HLD -Healthy Lifestye Day – Plan A

Kulleġġ t’Għawdex Primarja Nadur

Avviż lill-Ġenituri/Gwardjani                                                                                                                    

29 ta’ Ottubru 2011

‘Ġewż, lewż, qastan, tin, kemm inħobbu lil San Martin’ – Borża ta’ San Martin u Jeans Day

Din l-idea infirxet billi San Martin kien bniedem ġeneruż ħafna. J’Alla aħna bħal San Martin inrawmu fina l- valur tal-ġenerosità u tal-ħniena lejn ħutna fil-bżonn.

 Dak inhar ukoll, it-tfal jistgħu jiġu lebsin il-qalżiet tal-jeans (qmis, flokk u ingravata tal-iskola) u jingħataw borża ta’ ikel tajjeb għas-saħħa.  

Grazzi tal-koperazzjoni tagħkom.

Għeżież Ġenituri/Gwardjani

Dear Parents/Guardians

Hawn taħt għandkom issibu link dwar l-ittra dwar l-Istrina 2011.

Below kindy find the download links about Strina 2011 – Community Chest Fund Campaign.


Thank you




Intervista fuq Radju Luminarja waqt il-programm Getting to know you dwar l-iskola tagħna ser tixxandar f’dawn il-ġranet u ħinijiet:

Is-Sibt 29 ta’ Ottubru fis-1.30pm

Il-Ħadd 30 ta’ Ottubru fid-9.00pm

It-Tnejn 31 ta’ Ottubru fid-9.00pm