Natura 2000 - Nadur

New Management Plans for Nadur’s Natura 2000 sites

In 2012, Epsilon International SA of Greece and Maltese company Adi Associates Environmental Consultants Ltd were contracted by MEPA to prepare management plans for all 34 terrestrial Natura 2000 sites in the Maltese Islands, in a project is part financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development.

There are two Natura 2000 sites in Nadur: L-Inħawi tar-Ramla, and Il-Qortin tal Magun u l-Qortin il-Kbir. The draft Management Plans for these sites are nearing completion and will shortly be submitted to MEPA. The management plans have been formulated following a comprehensive conservation assessment of the sites and have been informed by extensive consultations with stakeholders and the general public carried out over summer 2013.

Natura 2000 is the EU-wide network of nature conservation areas, established to ensure the survival of Europe’s most valuable species and habitats for future generations. The network is based on the broad principle of conservation and sustainable use, where people and wildlife can live together in harmony. Natura 2000 is the largest coherent network of protected areas in the world. The network is made up of Special Areas of Conservation (SAC), important because of their habitats, and Special Protection Areas (SPA),which are important bird sites.

The Natura 2000 network in the Maltese Islands covers approximately 13.5% (around 42km2) of the total land area. A total of 30 management plans are being prepared, covering the 34 sites.

L-Inħawi tar-Ramla contains one of the most important sand dune communities in the Maltese Islands. The site supports a diverse range of endemic flora and fauna and is very important for sand-associated invertebrates, many with a restricted distribution or which are only known from Ir-Ramla, including the Sand Cricket. The site is also the only known locality in the Maltese Islands for the endemic and critically endangered darkling beetle species.

lI-Qortin tal-Magun u il-Qortin il-Kbir is a garrigue habitat of significant ecological importance; the site supports an exceptional mature phrygana habitat considered to be possibly the best example of such a habitat in the Maltese Islands. Important plant species include the Shrubby Kidney Vetch, the Tree Spurge and Wild Thyme.  

Persons interested in Natura 2000 and the project are invited to view the website ( and follow on Facebook ( and Twitter (@natura2000malta).




Is-serata tal-‘Karnival Organizzat’ ser issir il-Ħadd 23 ta’ Frar 2014 fi Pjazza San Pietru u San Pawl fin-12.30 p.m din l-attivita’ is-sena ser tkun il-ftuħ uffiċjali tal-festi tal-Karnival, li ta’ kull sena jiġu organizzati bi spontanjeta` kbira fin-Nadur. Xejn anqas minn ħames sigħat ta’ divertiment kontinwu ppreżentati minn Joe Demicoli li jinkludu fost l-oħrajn diversi kumpaniji taż-żfin minn Nadur, minn Għawdex u minn Malta, kumpaniji Hilarious, karrijiet, maskeruni, ‘il-Kukkanja’ kemm għat-tfal kif ukoll għal kbar, kif ukoll żewġ baned mistiedna dik ‘Imnarja’ tan-Nadur u dik minn Malta ‘Big Friends Guggen Musik’. Ma’ dawn il-kumpaniji mistiedna, t-Tnejn 4 ta’ Marzu fin-Nadur mir-Renju Unit ser jagħtu wirja ta’ żfin spettakolari numru kbir ta’ żeffiena mill-Karnival famuż ta’ Notting Hill f’Londra. Dan il-group ser ikun il-mistieden speċjali tal-Kunsill Lokali tan-Nadur li matul din iż-żjara fostna dawn iċ-ċittadini mir-Renju Unit ser jingħataw stampa ċara ta’ dak li jsir fil-Karnival ta’ pajjiżna.

Iżda l-Karnival tan-Nadur mhux dan biss. Bejn il-Gimgħa 28 ta’ Frar 2014 u t-Tlieta 5 ta’ Marzu 2014 fin-Nadur jispikka dak tradizzjonali li b’ispontanjita` tiegħu jeħodna lura fiż-żmien u jurina kif fl-imgħoddi l-Karnival kien mezz kif wieħed iwassal il-messaġġ tiegħu permezz tas-satira`. Hawn ta’ minn isemmi li wieħed mill-istazzjonijiet tat-tv lokali din is-sena ser ixxandar b’mod dirett siltiet mill-attivita` li tkun għaddejja waqt dan il-Karnival uniku.

Fl-okkażjoni ta’ dawn il-jiem,il-Kunsill Lokali tan-Nadur filwaqt li jirringrazzja lil kull minn ta’ l-għajnuna tiegħu għas-suċċess ta’ dawn il-festi, jappella lil kulħadd biex waqt il-Karnival ta’ bil-lejl jiġu rrispettati l-liġijiet tal-pajjiż, kif wkoll biex ħadd ma joffendi l-moralita` pubblika. Jappellaw ukoll biex jittiehdu l-prekawzjonjiet kollha biex jiġu evitati inċidenti bla bżonn.

Quotations 1-6/2014

Nadur Local Council

North Street

Nadur NDR 1222

Tel: 21558080

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Nadur Local Council notifies that sealed quotations will be received at the Nadur Local Council, North Street, Nadur NDR 1222 up to noon of Friday 14th February 2014.

Quot. 1/2014 Hire of Mobile Toilets during Nadur Carnival 2014. Quotation Fee: €25.00

Quot. 2/2014 Hire of PA system during Nadur Organised Carnival.

                         Quotation Fee: €25.00

•    • Quot. 3/2014 Lighting of central streets during Carnival 2014.

                               Quotation Fee: €25.00

•    • Quot. 4/2014 Mechanical Street Cleaning during Carnival 2014.

                               Quotation Fee: €25.00

•    • Quot. 5/2014 Construction of Carnival enclosure and seating.

                               Quotation Fee: 25.00

•    • Quot. 6/2014 Supply and installation of tent at St. Blas Bocci Pitch.

                               Quotation Fee: 25.00


Further details can be obtained from the council office. The Council reserves the right to refuse all quotations including the most advantageous ones.



Closure of Dahlet Qorrot Street

Il-Kunsill Lokali javza li Triq Dahlet Qorrot mill-parti ta’ fuq li twassal sal-bajja ser tigi maghluqa ghall-pubbliku minn nhar it-Tnejn 9 ta’ Dicembru 2013 l’quddiem u dan minhabba xogholijiet ta’ kostruzzjoni fuq l-istess triq. 

The Nadur Local Council would like to inform the general public that the road leading to Dahlet Qorrot Bay will be closed due to construction works as of 9th December 2013.


Nadur Local Council

North Street

Nadur NDR 1222

Tel: 21558080


The Nadur Local Council notifies that sealed tenders will be received at the Nadur Local Council, North Street, Nadur NDR 1222 up to noon of Monday 13th January 2014.


    Tender 5/2013 Construction of New Pavements.

               Tender Fee: €40


•  Tender 6/2013 Supply of Paving Material.

               Tender Fee: €40


Further details can be obtained from the council office. The Council reserves the right to refuse all tenders, including the most advantageous ones.


Rita Mifsud Attard

Executive Secretary

Youth Council

The Nadur Local Council is receiving applications from youths between the ages of 14 and 18 to form part of the Youth Council.

Read more: Youth Council

Youth Ambassador For Nadur Local Council

Nicholas Haber has been selected by the Nadur Local Council as Youth Ambassador for Nadur.  As an ambassador he will have the right to participate in council meetings to represent youths of the locality.

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